Foods of India-A Guide for the First Time Visitor

Foods of India-A Guide for the First Time Visitor

  • February 13, 2020
  • by Inga

When Steve and I spent a month in India, I found that there was a lot I didn’t know about the foods of India. If you like Indian food, you probably go to restaurants in the U.S. and if you’re like me, you always get the same few dishes you know you like. I was …

Beyond the Golden Triangle in India

  • February 04, 2020
  • by Inga

In November 2017, Steve and I traveled independently through India for a month. We started with the Golden Triangle, a tourist circuit that takes in Delhi, the Taj Mahal in Agra and the city of palaces in Jaipur (see Up, Down and All Around in India: A Sample Itinerary). We loved it but some of …

Packing Light for a Trip to India

  • January 28, 2020
  • by Inga

India turned out to be a lot more conservative than I was prepared for. I brought my below-the-knee skirts and dresses with tops that covered the shoulders but these weren’t quite right. These had served me well in South East Asia but I realized pretty quickly that exposed legs were not the norm even in …

Up, Down and All Around in India: A Sample Itinerary

  • February 13, 2018
  • by Inga

For a visitor from the U.S., the first steps onto the tarmac in India can assault the senses. Humid air, a cacophony of sounds, vivid colors and the odors of a thousand sources can be overwhelming. It helps to have a plan to tackle a country so large and diverse. Here, I’ll share our one-month …