Top intermediate ski runs at Blackcomb

  • February 25, 2013
  • by Inga

We moved from California to Seattle, Washington in 1992, anxiously leaving our favorite ski runs at Squaw Valley behind as we headed north. We were told that the resorts around Seattle offered excellent skiing but after a season battling howling wind, wild weather and often funky snow conditions in the shadow of 14,411   foot Mt. …

High Sierra Trail, Part 3: Day Five to End

  • January 19, 2013
  • by Inga

We ended Part 2 of the High Sierra Trial soaking in the wonderful Kern Hot Springs and Part 3 takes us up over Mt. Whitney to the end of the trail in Lone Pine. Day 5-Kern Hot Springs to Wallace Creek (12  miles, 10,409  feet) We didn’t mean to walk 12 miles but we did. We had …

High Sierra Trail, Part 2: Start to Day Four

  • December 02, 2012
  • by Inga

The High Sierra Trail (HST), a 72   mile trail in Sequoia National Park, is a major undertaking. There are a few roads on the eastern side of the park that lead to the popular Lodgepole Visitor Center and the Giant Sequoias, but there are no roads that go through the park so there is …

High Sierra Trail, Part 1: Overview

  • October 14, 2012
  • by Inga

The High Sierra Trail (HST), a 72    mile trail in Sequoia National Park (NP), is a classic hike in the Sierra Nevada. It evokes the very ghost of John Muir with its soaring peaks, highly varied terrain, grand vistas and spectacular ending at the top of Mt. Whitney. Cutting through a cross-section of some …

Reaching new highs on Alta Peak

  • July 22, 2012
  • by Inga

We rounded the corner, and after a stretch of densely forested trail, broke out into Alta Meadow. Though my feet were aching after trekking 5.6 uphill miles with a heavy pack, I practically ran toward the meadow, arms outstretched in my Julie Andrews Sound of Music moment. The vista before me made me gasp, and …

The transformation of the Presidio of San Francisco

  • July 21, 2012
  • by Inga

The Presidio of San Francisco, which in my youth was just a pretty, mostly off-limits place that we drove through to get to the Golden Gate Bridge, is being transformed into a first class destination, an oasis of green that is steeped in history. After 15 years of often rancorous discussion and community decision-making the …

The wonders of Sequoia National Park

  • July 19, 2012
  • by Inga

Walking along the trail behind the Wuksachi Lodge I stumbled repeatedly because I just couldn’t get enough of the views of the Great Western Divide with its craggy peaks etched against the blue sky, a tiny puff of pure white cloud forming like whipped cream on an upside down pointy sugar cone. I didn’t pass …

The harvest that wouldn’t end

  • May 18, 2012
  • by Inga

The best way to describe the harvest is that it was “the harvest that wouldn’t end”. Would it never end? That was the recurring question—the topic that came up in the Big House, the grocery store, the pub and any social gathering. “How long are you going to be here?” was the question our new …

Farmville in Western Australia

  • November 18, 2011
  • by Inga

After lounging like Komodo Dragons in the tropical sun of Bali, we encountered a sudden change in pace, weather, well everything, when we landed in Perth. Before we get to that, can I just say how jealous I am that Perthites (otherwise known as sandgropers[?]) can reach Bali in 3 short hours? That’s 2 hours …

SE Asia Travels-Update from the road

  • November 15, 2011
  • by Inga

It may be obvious from the vast amount of time between postings, but my best laid plans to post regularly have gone by the wayside. This is both good and bad. The good news is that once we got on a roll I simply didn’t have time to compose a readable note, though Twitter was …

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